Easter promotion and Golden Train – Acram Digital
Steam: Rails to Riches for PC/Mac/Linux is released
March 27, 2017
Upcoming Eight-Minute Empire trailer and Greenlight campaign
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We are pleased to announce that Easter promotion is available on the Google Play and App Store.

There is also available a special package on Valve’s Steam: Golden Train Edition, which includes the main application and all the additional maps in one bundle.

There are also some bug fixes:
– fixed bug when rail/city hex tile was dragged out of map’s borders from legal position,
– fixed rare bug occurring in multiplayer game, when one of players abandons the game during build tracks phase,
– fixed rare bug that made lack of player’s token on rails on expansion maps,
– more minor bug fixes and improvements: tutorial, bidding in basic mode and other.

In addition, we will soon reveal more details about the Eight-Minute Empire promotional movie, so stay tuned.