? Vote for Concordia! ? – Acram Digital
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?Concordia: Digital Edition got nominated for Golden Geek Award!?

Help us win!

We are extremely happy and excited to announce that Concordia: Digital Edition got nominated for the 16th Annual Golden Geek Award hosted by BoardGameGeek in the Best Board Game App category! We ask all of you to participate and vote on our game – for Concordia! ?

How to do it? 

  1. Enter THIS LINK!
  2. Select the appropriate category from the buttons at the top of the page.
  3. Rank the items by clicking on the box and selecting the rank.
  4. Duplicate rankings are OK if you think the items are equivalent.
  5. Change a rank to N/A if you have no opinion on an item. Any other games you rate will be considered higher ranked.
  6. 1 is the Highest – 10 is the Lowest (in the case where there are more than 15 nominees, the highest number is still the lowest


You can check the full list of games and/or categories HERE!